Thursday, October 16, 2014

this thing called life

The days are growing shorter and the leaves are changing to a beautiful array of God's rainbow. I am thankful for the special time my little family spends together. Moments of fall seem to pass quickly. Soon the leaves will be on the ground and trees will be bare for many months. It seems like an unending amount of time for someone who loves spring and summer. I long for hot days and sunshine. 

So who is this person writing thoughts in stolen nap time moments?  It's just a beautiful mess of a person who God has created to glorify Him.

As I think about starting a blog or sharing intimate thought moments, I clam up and fear starts to take over. Who will read... who wants to hear stupid thoughts... will my grammar be correct.. what if someone thinks I am stupid…. did I just use an ellipse correctly??? The answers… oh who cares about the answers. Life is short and moments are even shorter. I don't know how much time I am given on this earth so I better just throw caution to the wind. 

It takes me a while to build up the courage to speak or act sometimes. Has that ever happened to you? I mean, I am assuming there is a YOU out there. Are you a beautiful mess of a person too? 

That is what I am….a beautiful mess. My life is messy and ugly sometimes, but in moments of God's glory it becomes beautiful. 

I don't really have other words to speak about myself. Just that I hope you enjoy this journey of writing, reflection, and most importantly windy caution. 

A little glimpse of fall from one my favorite hiking spots in north Carolina. This is from 2013 at the beginning of fall. 

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