Thursday, October 23, 2014

Spirit lead me

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters 
wherever you would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
and my faith could be made stronger 
in the presence of my Savior

These words got me through the hardest time of my life recently. I wish I could tell you that I penned these thought to the Spirit of God.  Can you feel the rhythm in your chest as your read them? 

Let the words build around your soul for a minute. 

I wish I would have had these words earlier in my life. Like the time God send me to live in Florida all alone. Or the time my heart was struggling to figure out how to take the next step with my best friend. Or maybe the moment I moved away from my family after only a few being reunited only a few short months earlier. That time my heart was broken by a friend and I knew I needed to grieve. 

During those hard moments of my life I don't think I would have been ready to say these words to my God and ask Him to take me places I have never been or imagined.  God has called me into the"great unknown." Have you been to that place yet? It is terrifying. Let me say that again…. it. is. terrifying. Somehow, God knows how scary this life is and He is with us every step of the way.  

As I sat in a little hospital room, saying breath prayers over my son, I said these words over and over in my head. I sang along to the song on repeat for an hour one night as tears streamed down. All I knew in that moment was that God was the author and perfecter of life. He was the one who created and sustained life. I could feel God stretching me in a way I was not prepared, but being eerily at peace being in his presence. I knew a peace that I am certain came from God alone. 

Praying for you to experience peace today. 

My soul will rest in your embrace
For I am yours and you are mine

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

prayer for little ones

My hubby and I pray with our son daily. We try to model how to have a conversation with God in hopes that when he is older prayer will flow easily. We do this is two ways right now, during family meal time and at bedtime. 

It is important to us to thank God for the blessing of food even if it is a repetitive prayer. Usually, we have lunch and dinner together. We don't always get two meals a day together, but we try to as often as possible. As we being each meal, we hold hands as a family and say a common table prayer. Starting the meal the same way with our hands held, helps to demonstrate to Little E that it is time to stop for a moment and speak to God. He always gets very quiet and looks at us. As soon as we say "amen," he begins to babble and play again. 

Come Lord Jesus be our guest
and let these gifts to us be blessed.

This was a prayer that I grew up saying with my family. Only on special holidays or occasions would we strike out with a different prayer. I love the simplicity of this prayer. It is short and sweet and gets to the heart of the matter. I know someday there will be questions about where Jesus sits at the table and how come the gifts aren't wrapped. I really can't wait to have these conversations with our son and future children. 

We invite Jesus to our table because he gets the seat of honor. We ask him to that seat so that we can thank him for the many blessings he provides for us. We ask God to allow the gifts and blessings of these meals to bless other people. My daily prayer, is for God to use me for His glory. 

My husband grew up saying another common prayer, but somehow at his family functions I always get a little mixed up with the words. 

God is good, God is great
Let us thank Him for our food.
By His hands, we are fed
Thank you God for daily bread.

When Little E is older, we would like to incorporate prayer cubes. These cubes are great to use with little hands, who are learning how to pray. They are also great to use with families to build confidence in speaking and leading prayer. It takes practice to lead a prayer in front of others. This practice starts in the home by praying in front of family members.  To be totally honest and transparent, praying in front of my husband is very hard for me sometimes. I get nervous and forget how to speak! I can pray in front of a large group of people, but sometimes in the intimate moments with one other person I need the Holy Spirit to intercede. 

Thanks to Connie D. for posting this on her Pinterest board, Families in Faith!

At bedtime, prayer is the last thing we do right before Little E snuggles to drift to sleep. Does he know what we are doing? Probably not, but we hope that by hearing familiar words each day he will begin to know the power of prayer. Depending on who leads the prayer, we either start with Martin Luther's Evening Prayer or Mama's Impromptu Prayer. The latter is not written in a book and no scholar will be commenting or giving praise. Ha! 
We close as a family with the Lord's Prayer. Prayer cubes can also be used at bedtime! I can foresee a certain little boy using prayer cubes to prolong sleep in the future. 

Luther's Evening Prayer
I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen

The Lord's Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen

Mama's Impromptu Prayer
Dear Jesus, Thank you for this day. Thank you for Mommy, Daddy, and Elijah. Protect all our family who live far away. Help us to sleep well tonight. We love you Lord. Amen.

How does your family pray together? It is a time to slow down in your day and speak to God? Does it work better to say the same prayer? 

There are multiple ways to pray, but the key is that Our God listens to each of our prayers. Prayer is a conversation with God. It is that simple. There is no need for lofty words or phrase. Speak from the heart or be still and listen. Sometimes those prayers are in our hearts and minds, but God still hears us. Take some time to today to pray as a family. It will impact your day and cause you to stop in the business of life to converse with the Father. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

the little man that keeps me awake

Recently, six months ago, God gave me the best role and job on this earth. He gave my husband and I sweet baby boy. I am so thankful for this precious gift that God has in trusted to us.

Let me just say being a parent is hard work!

My husband and I were recently out to dinner and little man was becoming restless while we were waiting for the check. Little E is a great baby and he does really well while eating out, but everyone reaches his limit. I took him out of the highchair and was just holding him while standing. The server commented on our bundle of joy and how good he was. Some how the topic of sleep came up. Actually, as I am recalling this event from less than a week ago, I don't think the topic came up, but my husband and I made it come up. We shared with our server that there is not a lot of sleep with babies. Also, having a child is the hardest job….way harder than any manual labor job. She was a little shocked. We lamented to this sweet stranger that we were tired and hoping bedtime would go well. I am sure she could care less, but it was almost a warning to her. This was a moment in my life when I felt like we definitely over shared.

It is really true. Being a parent changes your world in a way that no one can explain it to you. I feel like we are earning badges in a club that has so many secrets.

Every time I am nursing that baby and he looks up at me with big blue eyes I thank God. I find my prayer life has increased greatly in the last six months! Here are a few breath prayers...

Thank you God for this precious gift you gave.

Thank you for the life you created. 

Please God, please let him sleep a little longer.

Please show me how to help Him feel better, dear Lord. 

Father, please forgive my shortcomings as a mother. 

Help me to know how to parent my son. Give me wisdom. 

You are an awesome Creator God. 

God, are you still there listening? I could really use your patience and peace. 

Lord, please help me not to lose it. 

I am not even exaggerating in any of those prayers. But, I am thankful for the server who was kind and listened to two very tired parents. I am thankful for the meal shared as a family. I am thankful for the compliments of strangers. I am thankful for the encouragement of others who have been there. 

I just wanted to introduce you to a little man who stole my heart at first glance….probably more like first heart beat. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

this thing called life

The days are growing shorter and the leaves are changing to a beautiful array of God's rainbow. I am thankful for the special time my little family spends together. Moments of fall seem to pass quickly. Soon the leaves will be on the ground and trees will be bare for many months. It seems like an unending amount of time for someone who loves spring and summer. I long for hot days and sunshine. 

So who is this person writing thoughts in stolen nap time moments?  It's just a beautiful mess of a person who God has created to glorify Him.

As I think about starting a blog or sharing intimate thought moments, I clam up and fear starts to take over. Who will read... who wants to hear stupid thoughts... will my grammar be correct.. what if someone thinks I am stupid…. did I just use an ellipse correctly??? The answers… oh who cares about the answers. Life is short and moments are even shorter. I don't know how much time I am given on this earth so I better just throw caution to the wind. 

It takes me a while to build up the courage to speak or act sometimes. Has that ever happened to you? I mean, I am assuming there is a YOU out there. Are you a beautiful mess of a person too? 

That is what I am….a beautiful mess. My life is messy and ugly sometimes, but in moments of God's glory it becomes beautiful. 

I don't really have other words to speak about myself. Just that I hope you enjoy this journey of writing, reflection, and most importantly windy caution. 

A little glimpse of fall from one my favorite hiking spots in north Carolina. This is from 2013 at the beginning of fall.